Demetriou Misiaouli Stella

Demetriou Misiaouli Stella



Personal info:

Place of origin and date of birth:
Nicosia, 18 October 1954.

Marital status:
Married to Andreas Demetriou Tofari; has three daughters.

Medicine with specialisation in Paediatrics (Rostov-Don Medical Institute, Soviet Union).


Foreign languages:
English, Russian.

Parliamentary tenure / activity:

Representative of Nicosia constituency under the banner of AKEL-Left-New Forces 2004-2006 and under the banner of the same party since 2008.


  Deputy Chairwoman of the House Standing Committee on Internal Affairs.
  Member of the House Standing Committee on Health Affairs and of the House Standing Committee on Human Rights and on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women.

  Member of the delegation of the House to the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA).

Political career:

 Member of the Strovolos Municipal Council (1986-2004).
 Member of the Nicosia Sewage Board (2001-2004).
 Member of the Advisory Committee for the Prevention of Accidents and Poisoning of Children of the Ministry of Health.
 Vice-president of KENTHEA-Nicosia (Centre for Information about Drugs and Treatment for Drug-Addicted Persons).
 Member of the General Council of the Pancyprian Federation of Women’s Organisations (POGO).
 Member of the Nicosia-Kyrenia District Committee of the Progressive Party of the Working People (AKEL).
 Member of the AKEL Central Committee since 2005.
 Member of the Health Affairs and of the Local Self-Government Advisory Offices of the AKEL Central Committee.

Contact info:

Address: 8, Misiaouli & Kavazoglou St., 2008 Strovolos
Telephone: (+357) 22 407261, 22 494543
Fax: (+357) 22 494600