Garoyian Marios

Garoyian Marios



Personal info:

Place of origin and date of birth:
Nicosia, 31 May 1961.

Marital status:
Married to Rodica Dinisiuc; has one daughter and one son.

Political Science (University of Perugia, Italy) with specialisation in History and International Affairs.

Political scientist.

Foreign languages:
English, Italian, Spanish.

Parliamentary tenure / activity:

Representative of Nicosia constituency under the banner of DIKO since 2006.


  President of the House of Representatives (March 2008-June 2011).
  President of the House of Representatives (March 2008-June 2011).
  Leader of the DIKO parliamentary group until December 2013.
  Ex officio Chairman and member of the Committee of Selection, Chairman of the Ad Hoc House Committee on Rules of Procedure and of the Special House Committee on Declaration and Examination of Financial Interests.
  President of the Executive Committee of the IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) Cyprus Group and of the Executive Committee of the Cyprus CPA (Commonwealth Parliamentary Association) Branch.


  Member of the House Standing Committee on Development Plans and Public Expenditure Control, of the House Standing Committee on Foreign and European Affairs and of the House Standing Committee on Institutions, Merit and the Commissioner for Administration (Ombudsman).
  Member of the delegation of the House to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

Political career:

 Director of the President’s Office of the House of Representatives (1991-2001).
 Director of the Press Office of the President of the Republic and Deputy Government Spokesman (2003-2006).
 Member of the DIKO Central Committee since 1988.
 Member of the DIKO Executive Bureau since 1997.
 President of DIKO 2006-2013.
 Member of the National Council, the supreme advisory body to the President of the Republic on the Cyprus problem, since 2006.

Contact info:

Address: 50, Griva Digeni St., 1080 Nicosia
Telephone: (+357) 22 407229, 22 873800, 22 791011
Fax: (+357) 22 873801